Great Black and White Photographers part 3
1) The first things that had caught my eye while looking at my photographers photos is the emotions that he captures in the photos. The actions displayed by the subjects in the photo show a lot of emotions and thoughts in one photo.
2)In one of William's photos I can see the lighter in her hand that she is holding. I can smell the cigarette that she is smoking. I can hear the burning of the cigarette. I can taste the moisture in the air around us. I can feel the burning of the cigarette on my fingers. In the other photo I can see the trees behind the two people riding the moped. I can smell the burning of gas in the air. I can hear the sound of the moped running. I can taste the burning rubber from the tires. I can feel the grips of the car trying to hold myself in a steady position.
3) I would like to create power points to show how great William Klein is. I would like to put his photos on a slide show so I would be able to describe every one of his photos and write down to show how great he is.
2)In one of William's photos I can see the lighter in her hand that she is holding. I can smell the cigarette that she is smoking. I can hear the burning of the cigarette. I can taste the moisture in the air around us. I can feel the burning of the cigarette on my fingers. In the other photo I can see the trees behind the two people riding the moped. I can smell the burning of gas in the air. I can hear the sound of the moped running. I can taste the burning rubber from the tires. I can feel the grips of the car trying to hold myself in a steady position.

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