Peer Reflection
This was Devin's blog and some things that I liked about his photos was that his happy photo is really happy because the person smiling in the photos makes the photo feel goofy and fun. I also really liked his Bowie picture because it is showing was is currently happening at Bowie and this is a big thing because only the current freshmen and below will get the perks of the parking garage that is getting built and his framing of Bowie is great.

One thing he could work on is to not have people in his photos if he is trying to get the main focus of the metal.
This was Ethan's Blog and some things I liked about his photos was that his Bowie picture is about the lanyards that were given to us so we can wear our IDs but I see the IDs as a waste of money and time and do not change anything. I also liked how symmetrical his square photo was.

One thing he could have worked on was that maybe he could have gotten a better angle also for his square prompt.


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