Photo Manipulation and Ethics
1. Photo manipulation is ethical to a certain extent. Journalism companies and newspapers often manipulate photos to bring in more money. As long as what the photo is trying to portray doesn't change than the photo is ethically okay.
2. There is a certain limit to photo manipulation. Although they do manipulate photos in certain circumstances. If the camera is not capturing the correct things like the tone or sound then it will alter the photo completely in a different way to the make it a completely different photo that will not give off that well of a contrast.
3. I think it is okay to crop, change contrast, brightness and red eye. All of these things will not have a major effect on the photo but can slightly improve the photo over all. You should not alter the photo as much if you are planning on using the photo for other things other than yourself so you could keep the realism of it.
4. This photo is unethical because the original photo is just with the man by himself sitting down and then they put in a woman from a completely different photo and put her there acting as if she and him were speaking together. It would be best to try and keep the photos as original as possible.

5. This photo is the least amount of unethical because the editor had only changed the contrast of the photo and changed some of the coloring in the photo. He had kept it to the most original that he could but while making it look a little more interesting.
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