American Soldier

B. The images work together to tell a story because they show the ups and downs of Ian's life.
C. The captions enhance the photographs because it gives up a little insight of whats happening and allows us to see the photo from a different perspective.
D. Ian fisher enlisted in the military and went into training soon after he graduated high school. Training was a very hard adjustment and was really troubling for him, he considered leaving already. He made it through training and had an extremely difficult time during enlistment with not only the war itself but relationships and substance abuse issues. He eventually returned home and got married to his girlfriend.
E. Present tense
1. 2 to 3 sentences.
2. the info they provide is relevant to the picture.
3. the info the second sentence provides continues the story.
5. Yes
6. Yes
G. It is possible to tell a complete story just from photos and captions because a photo can give off a lot of emotions and actions displaying a number of things. A caption also gives us a bigger look on a photo with the more details given.
H. A story must still be given to understand more about a situation but captions gives us a little insight on a photo but a story will really connect you to the story.
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