Aperture, Shutter Speed + ISO


Image result for photo aperture setting F2.8
Image result for photo aperture F16 and higher



                        Aperture setting at F2.8                                                         Aperture setting at F16

1. The pupil of the human eye closely relates to aperture because the human eye can create its focus on one subject and our eyes can also see the same as F16 because we can see things well up close and becomes more difficult for objects in the distance.
2. The smaller the Aperture makes your photos darker, increases depth of field, increases diffraction, decreases most lens aberrations, and increases the intensity of starbursts, the higher the Aperture does the opposite.
3. The aperture affects the depth of field because it becomes a smaller or bigger aperture size and it creates either a shallow of deep depth of field. 

Shutter Speed

Image result for high shutter speed photosImage result for slow shutter speed photos
                     High Shutter Speed                                          Slow Shutter Speed
Sun OutA) High Shutter Speed
B) High Shutter Speed
C) Slow Shutter Speed
D) Slow Shutter Speed
E) Slow Shutter Speed
F) Slow Shutter Speed
Dark OutA) High Shutter Speed
B) Slow Shutter Speed
C) High Shutter Speed
D) Slow Shutter Speed
E) Slow Shutter Speed
F) Slow Shutter Speed 

2. Shutter Priority- You choose the shutter speed, and the camera chooses the aperture.    Aperture Priority- You choose the aperture, and the camera chooses the shutter speed.    Manual- You choose both the aperture, and the shutter speed.


ISO 200
Image result for photo at ISO 3200

ISO 3200
Image result for Photo at ISO 200

1) The photo would be brighter and clearer than if you were to take it at ISO 200.2) Try to use the lowest ISO on your camera at all times, you can use it to minimize seeing the grain of the photo.3) When you are trying to get a photo but it keeps blurring because of motion, use a higher ISO.DSLR CameraAperture settings- 2.8, 4, 5.6, 8, 11, 16, 22Shutter speed settings- 1 SEC, 1/60 SEC, 1/4000 SECISO settings- 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200, 6400, 12800, 25600


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